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Regulations for the carriage of passengers

Terms of passage and baggage allowance for bus route «Autoline Group»



1.1. Open Joint Stock Company «Autoline» and its subsidiaries on the basis of the Prime of the Moscow Government dated 12 March 1998 № 260-RP are commercial enterprises in urban public transport. Passenger services are provided by buses (minibuses), on the agreed routes in the prescribed manner. Enterprises Group «Autoline» acting on the basis of Moscow City Government and the Administration of Moscow region, have a license for the transportation of passengers by buses (minibuses).
1.2. The fare for shuttle buses (minibuses) are charged according to tariffs established and approved in due course.
1.3. The carrier's liability to passengers for damage done to their lives, health or property is insured in accordance with applicable law. .
1.4. Passenger shuttle bus implemented on the basis of the control cards (blank accounting), obtained directly in the bus if you pay us.

2. Passengers are obliged to

2.1. To land and disembark at the existing stops (final and intermediate) points after stopping the rolling stock.
2.2. Seated in the cabin, pay for travel and carrying hand luggage (baggage), without waiting for requirements of the driver, and get tickets from the driver control. Check ticket is proof of conclusion of the contract of carriage should be maintained until the end of travel and made at the request of the driver and the ticket inspector. Check ticket is only valid for one trip in one direction. Upon arrival at the final stop of the route the passenger is obliged to release the bus cabin.
2.3. If you find in the cabin of the bus forgotten belongings, documents, money and other property to pass to the driver.
2.4. In advance to alert the driver of the required stop.


3.1. Are carried free of charge a child under 7 years old, not occupying a separate seat.
3.2. Free to carry hand luggage, the total size of the length, width and height not exceeding 120 cm, not occupying a separate seat.
3.3. For a fee in addition to transport not more than 2 seats of hand baggage per passenger, the total size of the length, width and height exceeding 120 cm but not exceeding 180 cm
3.4. Passengers are entitled to free travel in the urban passenger transport in accordance with Russian legislation and legal acts of the Russian Federation may take advantage of free travel on presentation of relevant documents on the right to benefit from the current legislation, if one of the following conditions of carriage:
- In the cabin of a small capacity of the bus - no more than one (1) preferential categories of passengers during the trip; 
- In the cabin of the bus, medium - not more than two (2) preferential categories of passengers during the trip; 
- In the cabin of the bus, heavy - no more than 4 (four) of preferential categories of passengers during the trip.

4. WHEN USING THE PASSENGER shuttle bus is strictly prohibited

4.1. To transport flammable, explosive, flammable, poisonous, toxic, corrosive and malodorous substances, objects and things, the aggregate amount of length, width and height exceeding 180 cm, guns, piercing and cutting items without covers or not wrapped as objects or things polluting the rolling stock or clothing of passengers.
4.2. Smoking on the bus, stay in the cabin while drunk, or spirtsoderzhaschie raspivat alcoholic beverages, open windows without permission of the driver, protrude from the windows, raise children and to put the luggage on the seats, distracting the driver and talk to them while driving.
4.3. Movement of children under 7 years in the field, placed in front of the bus windshield.
4.4. For vehicles not equipped with an automatic opening doors, opening the door to the cabin to a complete stop the bus, as well as outside of stops without the permission of the driver.
4.5. For vehicles equipped with an automatic opening doors, put in place mechanisms for open space, but also prevent the closure and opening of doors, except the need to prevent accidents.

5. DRIVER shuttle bus MUST

5.1. Observe the rules of the road and passenger transport.
5.2. To give passengers, travel and luggage, checking tickets.
5.3. When an accident or an accident to take the measures set forth the rules of the road. Immediately report the incident to dispatch fleet.
5.4. Strictly follow the fixed route, while respecting the final and intermediate stops.
5.5. Keep the bus clean and serviceable, to follow the procedures in the salon, be polite and warning to passengers, providing them with information on the route.
5.6. If you find in the cabin of forgotten things, documents, money and other valuables to take necessary measures to return to their rightful owners, but in the absence of such a possibility at the end of their shifts to deliver the dispatch to the park.
5.7. If you find in the cabin of the bus suspicious items, do not TROGUES them to take steps to ensure the safety of passengers and immediately notify the law enforcement agencies and dispatching fleets.


6.1. In identifying the passenger:
- Failed to pay travel or baggage in the prescribed manner, except as provided in paragraph 3.4;
- Provozyaschih flammable, explosive, flammable, poisonous, toxic, corrosive and malodorous substances;
- Carrying objects and things, the aggregate amount of length, width and height exceeding 180 cm;
- Carrying a firearm, piercing and cutting items without covers;
- In befoul clothing or baggage, polluting buses salon or befoul passengers;
- Of alcohol or drugs to refuse them service, if necessary, take steps to disembark from the bus cabin.


7.1. The calculation of the passengers to take the pledged goods, documents and other valuables.
7.2. Carry passengers in excess of established rules of operation of the bus.
7.3. Perform the movement while not completely closed compartment.
7.4. Transfer the management bus persons, not specified in the traffic logs.
7.5. Smoking in the cabin of the bus.
7.6. Deviate from the established route.


8.1. In the event of a breach of these Rules, passengers are responsible for compliance with current legislation.


Module: advertising
Class: CAdvBanner
File: /var/www/auto/data/www/
Function: GetPageWeights_RS
Line: 929
MySQL Query Error: SELECT DISTINCT B.TYPE_SID, B.ID BANNER_ID, B.WEIGHT BANNER_WEIGHT, B.SHOWS_FOR_VISITOR, B.FIX_CLICK, B.FIX_SHOW, B.KEYWORDS BANNER_KEYWORDS, DATE_FORMAT(B.DATE_SHOW_FIRST, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') DATE_SHOW_FIRST, DATE_FORMAT(B.DATE_SHOW_FROM, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') DATE_SHOW_FROM, DATE_FORMAT(B.DATE_SHOW_TO, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') DATE_SHOW_TO, B.FLYUNIFORM FLYUNIFORM, B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT MAX_SHOW_COUNT, B.SHOW_COUNT SHOW_COUNT, C.ID CONTRACT_ID, C.WEIGHT CONTRACT_WEIGHT, C.KEYWORDS CONTRACT_KEYWORDS FROM b_adv_type T INNER JOIN b_adv_banner B ON ( B.ACTIVE='Y' and B.TYPE_SID = T.SID and B.STATUS_SID = 'PUBLISHED' and (B.FOR_NEW_GUEST is null or B.FOR_NEW_GUEST='Y') and (ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.SHOW_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.CLICK_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.VISITOR_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)=0) and (B.DATE_SHOW_FROM<=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_FROM is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_FROM)<=0) and (B.DATE_SHOW_TO>=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_TO is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_TO)<=0)) INNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_site BS ON ( BS.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BS.SITE_ID = 's1') INNER JOIN b_adv_contract C ON ( C.ID = B.CONTRACT_ID and C.ACTIVE='Y' and (ifnull(C.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.SHOW_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(C.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.CLICK_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(C.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.VISITOR_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)=0) and (C.DATE_SHOW_FROM<=now() or C.DATE_SHOW_FROM is null or length(C.DATE_SHOW_FROM)<=0) and (C.DATE_SHOW_TO>=now() or C.DATE_SHOW_TO is null or length(C.DATE_SHOW_TO)<=0)) INNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_site CS ON ( CS.CONTRACT_ID = B.CONTRACT_ID and CS.SITE_ID = 's1') INNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_type CT ON ( CT.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and (CT.TYPE_SID = 'ALL' or CT.TYPE_SID = T.SID)) INNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_weekday BW ON ( BW.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BW.C_WEEKDAY='SUNDAY' and BW.C_HOUR = '14') INNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_weekday CW ON ( CW.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and CW.C_WEEKDAY='SUNDAY' and CW.C_HOUR = '14') LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_group UG1 ON ( (UG1.BANNER_ID = B.ID and UG1.GROUP_ID in (2) and UG1.GROUP_ID<>2) ) LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP1 ON ( BP1.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BP1.SHOW_ON_PAGE='Y') LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP2 ON ( BP2.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BP2.SHOW_ON_PAGE='N' and '/en/content/regular_route/rule/index.php' like concat(BP2.PAGE, '%')) LEFT JOIN b_adv_contract_2_page CP1 ON ( CP1.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and CP1.SHOW_ON_PAGE='Y') LEFT JOIN b_adv_contract_2_page CP2 ON ( CP2.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and CP2.SHOW_ON_PAGE='N' and '/en/content/regular_route/rule/index.php' like concat(CP2.PAGE, '%')) LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_stat_adv BA ON BA.BANNER_ID = B.ID LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_country BC ON BC.BANNER_ID = B.ID AND ( ( (B.STAT_TYPE is null OR length(B.STAT_TYPE)=0 OR B.STAT_TYPE='COUNTRY') AND BC.COUNTRY_ID='' ) OR ( B.STAT_TYPE='REGION' AND BC.COUNTRY_ID='' AND BC.REGION='' ) OR ( B.STAT_TYPE='CITY' AND BC.CITY_ID='0' ) ) WHERE T.ACTIVE = 'Y' and ( B.STAT_COUNT is null or B.STAT_COUNT = 0 or BC.BANNER_ID is not null ) and BP2.ID is null and CP2.ID is null and (BP1.ID is null or '/en/content/regular_route/rule/index.php' like concat(BP1.PAGE, '%')) and (CP1.ID is null or '/en/content/regular_route/rule/index.php' like concat(CP1.PAGE, '%')) and (BA.STAT_ADV_ID is null or BA.STAT_ADV_ID='0') and (BC.COUNTRY_ID is null or BC.COUNTRY_ID='') and ( (B.SHOW_USER_GROUP = 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is not null) or (B.SHOW_USER_GROUP <> 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is null) ) ORDER BY B.TYPE_SID desc, C.ID desc [Got error 28 from storage engine]

DB query error.
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