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Customer feedback

Dear passengers!

1. To take concrete measures to your call for evidence of inadequate care, violations of the Rules of transportation of passengers ask you to indicate:

  • Full name;
  • Your telephone number;
  • Return address (if you want a written response);
  • The date and time of the event;
  • Brief the essence of the claim, or proposal;
  • Number of route, start and end points the route;
  • State registration number;
  • Have you previously, if so, by whom and when

2. Review of applications is conducted in Russian. 

3. Oral treatment of citizens. By phone service operators feedback information to the background, as well as receive information from citizens who do not have access to the Internet for subsequent registration of correspondence and review of the responsible persons. At the oral treatment of citizens responds orally by phone, submitted by the applicant. Passengers may not demand an immediate review of his treatment, except for events that are extraordinary in nature and require immediate action to save lives and health of citizens.

4. Written citizens should contain a statement of the substance of the proposals, statements, complaints or petitions, full name of applicants, their addresses, contact numbers, date. Applications where there are no last name, address and personal signature, are anonymous and can not be considered. It discusses the treatment containing the phrase, insulting the honor and dignity of others. 

5. Dates of consideration of applications. For all types of applications - individually and collectively, are filed in writing, if the permit does not require the extension or the adoption of urgent measures, set deadlines for a single review. Action on the citizens accepted up to one month from the date of their admission and registration. Statements that do not require further examination and verification shall be resolved promptly in a shortened time frame, not later than 15 days.

In cases where permission for proposals, applications, complaints or claims should be a special audit, claim, or additional materials to take other measures, the timing of their permits may be extended as an exception, but no more than a month with a message about this person filed the appeal. The total duration of the treatment may not exceed two months, except when the materials necessary to make a decision and the author's response, are addressed in court. In such cases, the total duration of the treatment is extended for the entire period of the trial. 

6. Evidence for the citizens. The person who submitted the appeal, if necessary, to present evidence justifying the requirements therein. If the evidence provided is insufficient, an officer shall consider the appeals, the applicant proposes to provide additional information or collect them on their own initiative, when the person who made the appeal refers to the lack of conditions necessary to gather further information. 

7. Responsible citizens. Filing of a national treatment, which contains defamatory nature, expressions of insulting the honor and dignity of others, is punishable in accordance with applicable law. Citizens systematically making obviously unfounded claims involving significant financial costs associated with the consideration of appeals may be prosecuted in court in compensation for costs incurred at their expense. 

8. Details, which reported a citizen, request in electronic form, used, stored and processed in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation on the protection of personal data. 

9. Administration of the company reserves the right not to deal with the treatment received with incomplete or inaccurate information about the sender.

Make a treatment, the statement:

Name of contact person*
Phone Number (for contact from 9.00 to 18.00)*
Date of event or breach of*
Time event or a violation
Route Number
Starting and ending points route
State registration plate vehicle
The direction of the bus
The essence of the claim or suggestion
Если нужен письменный ответ, укажите свой e-mail
Type the characters shown in the picture


Module: advertising
Class: CAdvBanner
File: /var/www/auto/data/www/
Function: GetPageWeights_RS
Line: 929
MySQL Query Error: SELECT DISTINCT B.TYPE_SID, B.ID BANNER_ID, B.WEIGHT BANNER_WEIGHT, B.SHOWS_FOR_VISITOR, B.FIX_CLICK, B.FIX_SHOW, B.KEYWORDS BANNER_KEYWORDS, DATE_FORMAT(B.DATE_SHOW_FIRST, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') DATE_SHOW_FIRST, DATE_FORMAT(B.DATE_SHOW_FROM, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') DATE_SHOW_FROM, DATE_FORMAT(B.DATE_SHOW_TO, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') DATE_SHOW_TO, B.FLYUNIFORM FLYUNIFORM, B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT MAX_SHOW_COUNT, B.SHOW_COUNT SHOW_COUNT, C.ID CONTRACT_ID, C.WEIGHT CONTRACT_WEIGHT, C.KEYWORDS CONTRACT_KEYWORDS FROM b_adv_type T INNER JOIN b_adv_banner B ON ( B.ACTIVE='Y' and B.TYPE_SID = T.SID and B.STATUS_SID = 'PUBLISHED' and (B.FOR_NEW_GUEST is null or B.FOR_NEW_GUEST='Y') and (ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.SHOW_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.CLICK_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.VISITOR_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)=0) and (B.DATE_SHOW_FROM<=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_FROM is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_FROM)<=0) and (B.DATE_SHOW_TO>=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_TO is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_TO)<=0)) INNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_site BS ON ( BS.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BS.SITE_ID = 's1') INNER JOIN b_adv_contract C ON ( C.ID = B.CONTRACT_ID and C.ACTIVE='Y' and (ifnull(C.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.SHOW_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(C.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.CLICK_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(C.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.VISITOR_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)=0) and (C.DATE_SHOW_FROM<=now() or C.DATE_SHOW_FROM is null or length(C.DATE_SHOW_FROM)<=0) and (C.DATE_SHOW_TO>=now() or C.DATE_SHOW_TO is null or length(C.DATE_SHOW_TO)<=0)) INNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_site CS ON ( CS.CONTRACT_ID = B.CONTRACT_ID and CS.SITE_ID = 's1') INNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_type CT ON ( CT.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and (CT.TYPE_SID = 'ALL' or CT.TYPE_SID = T.SID)) INNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_weekday BW ON ( BW.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BW.C_WEEKDAY='SUNDAY' and BW.C_HOUR = '14') INNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_weekday CW ON ( CW.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and CW.C_WEEKDAY='SUNDAY' and CW.C_HOUR = '14') LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_group UG1 ON ( (UG1.BANNER_ID = B.ID and UG1.GROUP_ID in (2) and UG1.GROUP_ID<>2) ) LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP1 ON ( BP1.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BP1.SHOW_ON_PAGE='Y') LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP2 ON ( BP2.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BP2.SHOW_ON_PAGE='N' and '/en/content/regular_route/servis_feedback/index.php' like concat(BP2.PAGE, '%')) LEFT JOIN b_adv_contract_2_page CP1 ON ( CP1.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and CP1.SHOW_ON_PAGE='Y') LEFT JOIN b_adv_contract_2_page CP2 ON ( CP2.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and CP2.SHOW_ON_PAGE='N' and '/en/content/regular_route/servis_feedback/index.php' like concat(CP2.PAGE, '%')) LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_stat_adv BA ON BA.BANNER_ID = B.ID LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_country BC ON BC.BANNER_ID = B.ID AND ( ( (B.STAT_TYPE is null OR length(B.STAT_TYPE)=0 OR B.STAT_TYPE='COUNTRY') AND BC.COUNTRY_ID='' ) OR ( B.STAT_TYPE='REGION' AND BC.COUNTRY_ID='' AND BC.REGION='' ) OR ( B.STAT_TYPE='CITY' AND BC.CITY_ID='0' ) ) WHERE T.ACTIVE = 'Y' and ( B.STAT_COUNT is null or B.STAT_COUNT = 0 or BC.BANNER_ID is not null ) and BP2.ID is null and CP2.ID is null and (BP1.ID is null or '/en/content/regular_route/servis_feedback/index.php' like concat(BP1.PAGE, '%')) and (CP1.ID is null or '/en/content/regular_route/servis_feedback/index.php' like concat(CP1.PAGE, '%')) and (BA.STAT_ADV_ID is null or BA.STAT_ADV_ID='0') and (BC.COUNTRY_ID is null or BC.COUNTRY_ID='') and ( (B.SHOW_USER_GROUP = 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is not null) or (B.SHOW_USER_GROUP <> 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is null) ) ORDER BY B.TYPE_SID desc, C.ID desc [Got error 28 from storage engine]

DB query error.
Please try later.