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Service forgotten things

Rules of the forgotten things, the procedures for reviewing applications from passengers about lost and forgotten things in buses Autoline.


1. General:
In the event of a bus company, forgotten or lost things (with the exception of the danger to the passengers according to the anti-terrorist security) shall be deposited in the warehouse of forgotten things. Storage forgotten and lost things done within 30 days from the date of discovery. At the end of that period of neglected and lost items are subject to surrender to the police the location of the operating businesses. 

2. Rights of passengers:
If you forget things in the cabin of the bus or minibus passengers Company has the right to appeal via the feedback on the official website of the company. 

3. Duties of passengers:
A person claiming the loss of things to make a statement in which you must specify the following information:
- Name of applicant
- Telephone number or other communications
- The date and approximate time of loss
- Number and name of the route
- Number of the bus (if possible)
- A detailed description of lost items (thing).

The person requesting the issuance of lost items, to prove their right to them, stating in writing the exact signs of things, their content or the presentation of the keys to the locks, locking things.
Upon receipt of the things the owner must pay all payments due to it (for storage, packaging and transportation of fare found on luggage and the publication of announcements, if any), as well as to issue a receipt showing the items in its permanent place of residence and passport number or replacement document.
Fee for storage recovery in accordance with these Regulations. 

4. Details, which reported a citizen, request in electronic form, used, stored and processed in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation on the protection of personal data.

Make a statement about the things forgotten in the cabin of the bus:

Name of contact person*
Phone Number (for contact from 9.00 to 18.00)*
Date of loss
Route Number
Starting and ending points route
Inventory and a detailed description of the things forgotten in the cabin of the bus
Если нужен письменный ответ, укажите свой e-mail
Type the characters shown in the picture

Список невостребованных вещей


Module: advertising
Class: CAdvBanner
File: /var/www/auto/data/www/
Function: GetPageWeights_RS
Line: 929
MySQL Query Error: SELECT DISTINCT B.TYPE_SID, B.ID BANNER_ID, B.WEIGHT BANNER_WEIGHT, B.SHOWS_FOR_VISITOR, B.FIX_CLICK, B.FIX_SHOW, B.KEYWORDS BANNER_KEYWORDS, DATE_FORMAT(B.DATE_SHOW_FIRST, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') DATE_SHOW_FIRST, DATE_FORMAT(B.DATE_SHOW_FROM, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') DATE_SHOW_FROM, DATE_FORMAT(B.DATE_SHOW_TO, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') DATE_SHOW_TO, B.FLYUNIFORM FLYUNIFORM, B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT MAX_SHOW_COUNT, B.SHOW_COUNT SHOW_COUNT, C.ID CONTRACT_ID, C.WEIGHT CONTRACT_WEIGHT, C.KEYWORDS CONTRACT_KEYWORDS FROM b_adv_type T INNER JOIN b_adv_banner B ON ( B.ACTIVE='Y' and B.TYPE_SID = T.SID and B.STATUS_SID = 'PUBLISHED' and (B.FOR_NEW_GUEST is null or B.FOR_NEW_GUEST='Y') and (ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.SHOW_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.CLICK_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)>ifnull(B.VISITOR_COUNT,0) or ifnull(B.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)=0) and (B.DATE_SHOW_FROM<=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_FROM is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_FROM)<=0) and (B.DATE_SHOW_TO>=now() or B.DATE_SHOW_TO is null or length(B.DATE_SHOW_TO)<=0)) INNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_site BS ON ( BS.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BS.SITE_ID = 's1') INNER JOIN b_adv_contract C ON ( C.ID = B.CONTRACT_ID and C.ACTIVE='Y' and (ifnull(C.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.SHOW_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_SHOW_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(C.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.CLICK_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_CLICK_COUNT,0)=0) and (ifnull(C.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)>ifnull(C.VISITOR_COUNT,0) or ifnull(C.MAX_VISITOR_COUNT,0)=0) and (C.DATE_SHOW_FROM<=now() or C.DATE_SHOW_FROM is null or length(C.DATE_SHOW_FROM)<=0) and (C.DATE_SHOW_TO>=now() or C.DATE_SHOW_TO is null or length(C.DATE_SHOW_TO)<=0)) INNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_site CS ON ( CS.CONTRACT_ID = B.CONTRACT_ID and CS.SITE_ID = 's1') INNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_type CT ON ( CT.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and (CT.TYPE_SID = 'ALL' or CT.TYPE_SID = T.SID)) INNER JOIN b_adv_banner_2_weekday BW ON ( BW.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BW.C_WEEKDAY='SUNDAY' and BW.C_HOUR = '14') INNER JOIN b_adv_contract_2_weekday CW ON ( CW.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and CW.C_WEEKDAY='SUNDAY' and CW.C_HOUR = '14') LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_group UG1 ON ( (UG1.BANNER_ID = B.ID and UG1.GROUP_ID in (2) and UG1.GROUP_ID<>2) ) LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP1 ON ( BP1.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BP1.SHOW_ON_PAGE='Y') LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_page BP2 ON ( BP2.BANNER_ID = B.ID and BP2.SHOW_ON_PAGE='N' and '/en/content/regular_route/servis_forget/index.php' like concat(BP2.PAGE, '%')) LEFT JOIN b_adv_contract_2_page CP1 ON ( CP1.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and CP1.SHOW_ON_PAGE='Y') LEFT JOIN b_adv_contract_2_page CP2 ON ( CP2.CONTRACT_ID = C.ID and CP2.SHOW_ON_PAGE='N' and '/en/content/regular_route/servis_forget/index.php' like concat(CP2.PAGE, '%')) LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_stat_adv BA ON BA.BANNER_ID = B.ID LEFT JOIN b_adv_banner_2_country BC ON BC.BANNER_ID = B.ID AND ( ( (B.STAT_TYPE is null OR length(B.STAT_TYPE)=0 OR B.STAT_TYPE='COUNTRY') AND BC.COUNTRY_ID='' ) OR ( B.STAT_TYPE='REGION' AND BC.COUNTRY_ID='' AND BC.REGION='' ) OR ( B.STAT_TYPE='CITY' AND BC.CITY_ID='0' ) ) WHERE T.ACTIVE = 'Y' and ( B.STAT_COUNT is null or B.STAT_COUNT = 0 or BC.BANNER_ID is not null ) and BP2.ID is null and CP2.ID is null and (BP1.ID is null or '/en/content/regular_route/servis_forget/index.php' like concat(BP1.PAGE, '%')) and (CP1.ID is null or '/en/content/regular_route/servis_forget/index.php' like concat(CP1.PAGE, '%')) and (BA.STAT_ADV_ID is null or BA.STAT_ADV_ID='0') and (BC.COUNTRY_ID is null or BC.COUNTRY_ID='') and ( (B.SHOW_USER_GROUP = 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is not null) or (B.SHOW_USER_GROUP <> 'Y' and UG1.GROUP_ID is null) ) ORDER BY B.TYPE_SID desc, C.ID desc [Got error 28 from storage engine]

DB query error.
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